Group’s FB Page
This is the group for the current and former students of EEE/CS/CSE/ICT dept from any public or private university in Bangladesh to get a suitable job.
!!! Important - NEW Member Request !!! => Keep your university & subject names publicly visible.
=> We have a strict policy against fake ids and ids with unrealistic names. As this is group connects job seekers with potential employers, allowing such ids open the door for abuse without repercussions. As such, we do not accept request from IDs with unrealistic names, and periodically remove group members with such ID.
=>Read Block Policy in bottom Then ask to join the group & wait for our volunteers to approve (max 7days).
=>To ensure being approved in the fastest possible time, please answer the questions that come up when joining the group.
If you add your friends, make sure (s)he follows group policy. —————————–