Important - for Job Posters : Guidelines

While posting a job advertisement, please use the following format:

  • Job Title & Type of Job.
  • Company Name:
    • If the job post is for a company, the name of the company must be posted, with the physical location for the company. Applicants have the right to know where they are sending their resume containing personal information.
    • Terms like “A reputated company” are misleading. If the company has a business licence, then knowing the company name is necessary for the applicants.
    • In case of stealth mode startups (which have not obtained trade licence / physical office space), company name requirements can be waived as per discretion of the admin/moderator panel. Please reach out to the admin/moderator panel for post approval.
    • If it is a freelance job, a contact person name and contact information must be provided.
  • Contact Person information:
    • E-Mail (Mandatory).
    • Phone (Completely optional)
    • if the Company uses a portal to submit candidate resumes, instructions on how to submit the resume).
  • Job Industry.
  • Job Responsibility.
  • Job Requirements. (Technical, and If possible, educational).
  • Job Location: a) Fixed Location: Specify Area/City of working location. (Sample: Dhanmondi/Dhaka ; Nirala/Khulna etc). b) No Fixed Location: Specify if the job requires travelling between different office sites, or is a work-from home position.
  • Job Nature: Full-Time / Part-Time / Project Based
  • Office Hours: a) Working Hours ( i.e. 9AM-5PM / 10AM-6PM) b) Working days/week (i.e. Monday-Friday/ Sun-Sat). Some offices have recently adopted One fixed holiday/week and a flexible day off. If so, please specify.
  • Salary Range + Benefits: **(We see that recruiters tend to write “Negotiable” in the salary range, and when candidates ask about a salary range and benefit, specify those in comments section. In such cases, if these can be specified then we request you to update them in the original post as well. This way, candidates will not have to search through comments to find these information).


If you have conditions based on a gender, religion , you need to add cause for this. According to Bangladesh Labor Act 2006,2012, this is forbidden. So, if you have restriction please state why.

Notes : Common Best practices:

  • Avoid 3rd party links and use direct links of the recruiting company.
  • If you are posting some one’s status. Make sure, people can see (no privacy blocking)
  • Avoid mixture language. Use either Bangla or English.
  • Be respectful to cultural/religious context while posting job requirements.