Important - for Job Posters : Guidelines

While posting a job advertisement, please use the following format:

  • Job Title & Type of Job.
  • Company Name:
    • If the job post is for a company, the name of the company must be posted, with the physical location for the company. Applicants have the right to know where they are sending their resume containing personal information.
    • Terms like “A reputated company” are misleading. If the company has a business licence, then knowing the company name is necessary for the applicants.
    • In case of stealth mode startups (which have not obtained trade licence / physical office space), company name requirements can be waived as per discretion of the admin/moderator panel. Please reach out to the admin/moderator panel for post approval.
    • If it is a freelance job, a contact person name and contact information must be provided.
  • Contact Person information:
    • E-Mail (Mandatory).
    • Phone (Completely optional)
    • if the Company uses a portal to submit candidate resumes, instructions on how to submit the resume).
  • Job Industry.
  • Job Responsibility.
  • Job Requirements. (Technical, and If possible, educational).
  • Job Location: a) Fixed Location: Specify Area/City of working location. (Sample: Dhanmondi/Dhaka ; Nirala/Khulna etc). b) No Fixed Location: Specify if the job requires travelling between different office sites, or is a work-from home position.
  • Job Nature: Full-Time / Part-Time / Project Based
  • Office Hours: a) Working Hours ( i.e. 9AM-5PM / 10AM-6PM) b) Working days/week (i.e. Monday-Friday/ Sun-Sat). Some offices have recently adopted One fixed holiday/week and a flexible day off. If so, please specify.
  • Salary Range + Benefits: **(We see that recruiters tend to write “Negotiable” in the salary range, and when candidates ask about a salary range and benefit, specify those in comments section. In such cases, if these can be specified then we request you to update them in the original post as well. This way, candidates will not have to search through comments to find these information).


If you have conditions based on a gender, religion , you need to add cause for this. According to Bangladesh Labor Act 2006,2012, this is forbidden. So, if you have restriction please state why.

Notes : Common Best practices:

  • Avoid 3rd party links and use direct links of the recruiting company.
  • If you are posting some one’s status. Make sure, people can see (no privacy blocking)
  • Avoid mixture language. Use either Bangla or English.
  • Be respectful to cultural/religious context while posting job requirements.

Job Post Update/Deletion Policy:

Sometimes, a job might be posted in the group without specified necessary details. If admins are alerted/aware of such post, they will review the content, alert the recruiter / job poster with necessary details to update and monitor the post. If within 48 hours of initial contact with poster/recruiter, no feedback is received or the post is not updated, the post will be considered orphaned and will be removed from the group.

Important - for Job Seekers


  • Please, avoid mixture language. Use either Bangla or English.
  • Please keep your message option public so that recruiters can communicate with you.
  • Please don’t post your personal email/phone number publicly in the group.
  • While communicating with recruiters, please mention your Latest/Ongoing degree, Subject, Passing year, CGPA/Experience, Interested area.
  • For further queries, please communicate with recruiters / individuals by messaging , not wall posting / commenting / liking.
  • If you want to follow a post, please go to the post option and activate Turn on notification . Do not tag yourself in the post, or write following/f. This creates Spam comments without adding any real value.

Resume :

  • If you are uploading your CV/Resume to the group, please check out the following for your safety.
  • DO NOT Add pictures, mobile numbers, your address or your references’ address. As uploading your resume to the group makes it open to all, this is a security concern for you and your references.
  • You can keep your resume in a password protected zipped doc format in the group. You will need to share the password to the doc with the recruiter who asks you.

General Group Guidelines:

Block Policy :

  • Posting Advertisement for products.
  • Spamming.
  • Posting Adult Content.
  • Impolite/ Inappropriate post, reply or comments. The following fall under this category: a) Using Slang language. b) Trolling / Abusive comments/posts/replies. c) Displaying threats / aggressive attitude.
  • Facebook ID without real name. (at least, feels real, we wont verify in real life). ID with unrealistic names will be removed from the group. Examples of unrealistic ID are: কর্দমাক্ত মাঠ/মেঘলা দুপুর/হ্যারি পোটার / Snow Queen / Disturbed Soul etc.
  • Intentional/Personal Group or Link Posting /commenting (more than 1).
  • Posting topic/comments against group’s rules. (religious, politics, non CSE/EEE jobs)
  • A person who is adding Fake/Spammy members (ID, name, post publishing), being responsible for that.
  • A person/group who is threatening Admins.(spacial case)

How to Notify Admins for any issue.

  • Report Post
  • Tag any one of them in comments.
  • Hash tagging in post comments (like #spam, #admin)
  • Sending them a message in Facebook. (You should know, Facebook puts messages from contacts outside your friends list in message request, so there may be a delay in response).

Pinning policy

Message the post to any 2 of admins, write 2 lines for why you want your post to be pinned. Provide how long you want to keep (maximum 3 days)?

  • Conditions :
    • Only Vacancy/Job Related Post (permanent or contractual post) can be pinned
    • Any New project/entrepreneur opportunity post
    • Career advice discussion post
    • Public /National Emergency

Communication between Members

We see every day that members are communicating with each other on specific posts, based on personal relationship and matter. While this is expected, please remember that this is a public group, and if you share your private information in public posts - this may lead to unwarranted situations with your own personal safety.

We request all group members the following:

  • Respect other group members, and recruiters/employers who post jobs.
  • Please, keep personal communication in Facebook messages - instead of doing it over comments/ replies to a post. Logical info sharing related to professional matters are ok.But taking job posts to personal levels are not.
  • Security Be careful before publicly sharing your email, address, phone number, Date of birth, Father/ Mother/ Spouses name. If you need to share them with anybody, please do it via personal messages instead of public posts / comments / replies. Even when replying to a recruiter/ potential employer, ask for his/her email address and send it there.
  • Be polite, and keep your seniority level respected in public.
  • Do not tag other people in the comments section to notify them of a job posting. If you want to share a post with someone, share it with them in inbox. Doing so increases spam comments in a Job posting, and is distracting to many.

Coming across empty tags without any discussion, the admin panel will remove such comments/replies.


Remember, as potential recruiters / future colleagues / peers will be able to see what you write here, it will reflect on how you are judged in real life. As this group is used for professional purposes, a negative conduct here has the potential to come back to hurt you later on. As such, please show restraint while expressing your opinion. Remember, it does not hurt to be polite!

Communicating with admin:

This group has more than 100k members, the group admins can not be expected to know everyone. As such, when communicating with an admin, please add 2 lines about yourself, and 1 line about your required query. We will try our best to answer ASAP, but this might not be as quick as you expect. Please be patient, and forgive us for the delay
